Li Kaifu, the founder and CEO of Da Mo Shouye Company, has just announced a new pause in the Hundred Model War.
On May 13th, Zero One Universe officially announced the 100 billion parameter Guan Yuan big mold Yi Large. On the Stanford Open Source Evaluation AlpacaEval 2.0 English Talent Ranking, the LC Win Rate (winning rate for mastering text length deviation) of this model is second only to Open AI’s GPT-4 Turbo, while the Win Rate (winning rate) ranks first in the world.

Although the company had previously announced that open-source large molds were mainly small and medium-sized, the team acknowledged the cost of closed source large molds in terms of behavior. Li Kaifu also revealed that Zero One Everything has driven the next generation of trillion parameter Yi XLarge MoE model practice.
In the past, PMF (product store compliance) was the most popular word among the practitioners of the big model category, but Kai Fu Lee thought that the view of the static Internet era had been difficult to adapt to the AI era.
In the era of static Internet, the cost of the corner brought by the increase of user scope is very low. But in the era of big models, the cost of model practice and reasoning is a challenge that every conservative company must face.
“The high-quality application that users need to increase cannot be achieved without a powerful base mold, which often results in high practice costs. In addition, it is necessary to consider the reasoning costs that increase with the user range.” Li Kaifu stated that PMF alone is not enough, and it is also necessary to consider the advantages of Technology and Cost.
Therefore, he proposed a new viewpoint – TC-PMF, which focuses on the conformity of product market with skill cost X. “Making TC-PMF, the reason for cost reduction is a ‘stationary goal’, which is 100 times more difficult than conservative PMF,” said Li Kaifu.
Because of this, Li Kaifu does not acknowledge the current practices of some large model subsidiaries in promoting purchasing traffic. He expressed that the industry should work together to prevent falling into the insensitive ofo style of bleeding and burning money.
Facing the next stage of growth and cooperation, the four clear biases of Zero One Universe include globalization structure, model based co construction, model application integration, and Al First.
In terms of globalization, OneThing has launched four consumer products overseas, among which the productivity product line is expected to generate over 100 million yuan in revenue this year, with a ROI (return on investment) of 1, and a user base of nearly 10 million overseas productivity applications.
Model based co construction mainly refers to the self-developed artificial intelligence foundation architecture skills, which can optimize the practice essentials from the lower level and improve computational efficiency. The company stated that after optimization, the practice cost of its 100 billion parameter model has doubled year-on-year. The integration of mold should mainly reflect the systematic linkage between the base mold and the application consequences.
The industry is currently quite certain that the big mold category will soon face an outbreak of application layer. Li Kaifu has already made a clear appearance before, and 2024 will be the first year of the AI application outbreak. Zhu Xiaohu, the executive partner of Jinshajiang Venture Capital, has also publicly stated on multiple occasions that the application layer of AI big molds will face an outbreak in 2025.
Is the time difference between the two statements interesting? Li Kaifu told Interface News reporters that Zhu Xiaohu had a certain principle in his approach. At present, the cost of reasoning increases by 10 times in a year, and it is 100 times in two years. If the talent of GPT-4 can be used for reasoning at only 1% of the price, many applications are sure to explode.
“But I thought this year was the first year, because some categories would explode this year.” Li Kaifu thought that the entire inclusive point was not reached at the same time, and the application requirements for some categories would be very high. He takes productivity object products as an example, stating that they have already reached TC-PMF, but there is still room for improvement.
One week ago, all things announced their productivity application “Wanzhi” for the consumer end, and now they have officially started providing services; The API withering platform for the enterprise ecosystem has also been launched simultaneously.
As for when can the true super application flash? Li Kaifu stated that the team is already able to guess the timing of Yi XLarge’s practice and the increase in reasoning ability. There will be an internal set of essentials, which will focus on making final guesses about the stage results while starting to refine the products based on this guess.
“The speed of this category is so fast that we can’t wait until the mold is finished before reciting TC-PMF,” he said. “Now is a race against time.”
One year after its establishment, Zero One Everything has received two public investments from its self refurbished factory and Alibaba Cloud, with a valuation of over 1 billion US dollars. It is one of the members of the domestic unicorn club in the big model category.
Founder and CEO Li Kaifu seems to have fully complied with the change of identity from an investor to a business owner. Recently, he has just filed a Tiktok account and began to release short videos in a rhythmic manner. In fact, he has been invited multiple times, but now in order to share his own products and skills, he knows that “this is still necessary.”.
“We (the big model of China) have been sprinting for a year, at least encountering the top model of the United States in terms of mold. Of course, we will continue to make efforts in the future, but we need to have accumulation and vision for the future. We cannot just sprint hard, but start thinking about how to join the form of sprinting.” Li Kaifu said.
For this new battle in life, he did not hesitate to express his doubts and doubts.
“This is my fantasy for over 40 years, and in my doctoral degree application, I wrote that AGI is my fantasy.” He said, “As for monetization, I did make a promise to my investors a year ago that I would not cash out for ten years.”

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